from flask import Blueprint, request, jsonify  
from flask_restful import Api, Resource 
from flask_cors import CORS
import requests  
import random
import os

from model.chats import *

chat_api = Blueprint('chat_api', __name__,
api = Api(chat_api)

CORS(chat_api, resources={r"/api/*": {"origins": "*"}})

chat_data = []

class ChatAPI:
    class _Test(Resource):
        def get(self):
            response = jsonify({"Connection Test": "Successfully connected to backend!"})
            return response
    class _Create(Resource):
        def get(self):
            return jsonify({"message": "This is the GET request for _Create"})

        def post(self):
            data = request.json
            return jsonify({"message": "Data stored successfully!"})

    class _Read(Resource):
        def get(self):
            return jsonify(chat_data)

api.add_resource(ChatAPI._Create, '/create')
api.add_resource(ChatAPI._Read, '/read')
api.add_resource(ChatAPI._Test, '/test')

if __name__ == "__main__":
    server = "" # run local
    # server = ''  # Update with your server URL
    url = server + "/api/chats"
    responses = []

    # Simulate sending data to the chat API
    sample_data = {"message": "Hello, this is a test message!"}
    create_response ="/create", json=sample_data)

    # Retrieve stored data from the chat API
    read_response = requests.get(url+"/read")

    # Display responses
    for response in responses:
            print("unknown error")

Review of Code

  • The imports at the top import the needed libraries for the api

  • From model.chats import * imports the from the model folder

  • List called chat_data stores data

  • Within the class ChatApi, there is multiple different nested resource classes

    • Test: This class defines a resource for testing the connection to the backend. Responds with a JSON message to indicate a successful connection

    • Create: This class defines a resource for creating chat messages. It supports both GET and POST requests. When accessed using POST it adds a chat message to the list

    • Read: This class defines a resource for reading the chat messages stored in the chat_data when accessed using GET it lists chat_data

  • Then it creates three resource classes and gives them a url

  • Sets the server url to for local or

  • It sends a POST request to the ‘/create’ endpoint with a sample message and stores the response in create_response.

  • It sends a GET request to the ‘/read’ endpoint and stores the response in read_response.