Collaboration Review

What are the benefits of a team? Explain some of the diveristies that your team has to offer.

Working in a team allows team members to communicate ideas and build upon each other to complete tasks more efficiently. Eshaan (Scrum Master) has a background working with computers and experience with Cyber Patriots. Ninaad (DevOps) is eager to learn more about coding and has a creative mind. Aaron (Backend Developer) is experienced with coding and has a deep understanding of python. Brandon (Frontend Developer) has some experience in coding and is practicing to improve daily.

Describe how you will facilitate communication amongst group members.

In order to communicate effectively amongst group members, we have created a groupchat in iMessages so that we can get a hold of each other at a moments notice. Addtionally, we created another groupchat in Slack to communicate code and send messgaes that contain more content.

How will you hold each person accountable for their portion of the work? Think about dates, review tickets, and peer reviews

The Scrum Master (Eshaan) will send us messages in both slack and iMessages on dates to complete tasks by. Also, we will utilize a scrum board with tasks to complete and their dates, as well as dates of upcoming reviews so we can be more prepared for those.